Sasha Klein
.paper.process.books.metal.endless cigarettes
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to give free reign to
to take unrestrained pleasure in
to yield to
to yield to the
desire of
to the whims of
to treat with excessive leniency
or consideration

indulge [in-duhlj]:
white is the lacking of colour; transparent. incandescent. of humans, it is the slight pigmentation of skin. one can be white with rage or ultra conservative. white implies innocence and harmlessness. there is white paper and white wine and even white noise. to white out something is to cover or censor and to bleed white is to be drained of all one has. women excrete milk and men excrete semen; in the white is to be in an unfinished state. there are white poppies and white rabbits and white lies. white powders and white blood cells. white arsenic and white damp. white fir trees and poplar trees and spruce trees and pine. albumens and eggshells, white space and whitewash. white light, white heat, white trash, and tom wolfe. white cigarettes and nights, churches and smoke.